Fake Indian Currency Detection Using Camera Matlab Code

  1. Fake Indian Currency Detection Using Camera Matlab Code Online
  2. Fake Indian Currency Detection Using Camera Matlab Code Download

The fake currency detection using im age processin g was implemented on MA TLAB. Features of currency. Note like serial number, securi ty thread, Identificatio n m ark, Mahatma Gandhi portrait. The Reserve Bank is the one which issue bank notes in India. Reserve Bank, changes the design of bank notes from time to time. Reserve bank uses several techniques to detect fake currency. Common people faces many problems for the fake currency circulation and also difficult to detect fake currency, suppose that a common people went to a bank. Refer CDMA MATLAB Code for single user. OFCDM MATLAB code consisting of OFDM and CDMA chain for single user. Refer OFCDM MATLAB Code housing OFDM and CDMA. The code is simulated for a single user. SC-FDMA basic transmitter receiver. Refer SC-FDMA matlab simulation code. PN sequence generation. Refer PN sequence generation basics and matlab code. Counterfeit Currency Detection using Image Processing 1. Counterfeit Currency Detection using Image Processing 2. Literature Survey International Journal of Research on Computer and Communication Technology (IJRCCT) – “Fake Currency Detection Using Image Processing and Other Standard Methods”. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies(IJCSIT) – “Indian. I need a matlab code to detect a currency to determine wether it is fake or real.i need a code that can compare the new processed image to a database and any other code i can use. Follow 339 views (last 30 days).

There have been reports that some small scale traders are refusing to accept the new banknotes, due to fear of receiving counterfeit money.

Most of them, just like many Kenyans have expressed doubts and confusion on how to differentiate the genuine notes from the fake ones even as the circulation of the fake currencies continue to flood the market.

The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) recently launched a new smartphone application that helps users familiarise themselves with the new currency features.

The app provides in-depth details on how to detect the fake new currency notes using four different ways:

1.) Using Ultraviolet (UV) light

2.) Using normal light

3.) Using feel/ sense of touch

4.) By tilting the note

The application, that is available on the google play store, can be downloaded and used on Android phones. Here is the download link: https://bit.ly/2Rrqz1i

Nonetheless, the awareness campaign by CBK appears not to be sufficient with some Kenyans stating that they have little time for the internet.

Kenyans are now asking for more education on how to identify the new banknotes.

Luckily for you, Kenyans.co.ke has written this article to help you detect the fake new currency notes, according to the CBK's app.

1. How to detect fake new currency notes using ultraviolet (UV) light

These are the noticeable indicators under UV light:

Ksh50 (Front)

The vertical serial numbers located at the left will glow yellow.

The arrow-shape alongside the dove will have an inward green glow and an outward yellow glow.

The value text 50 located at the bottom right will give off a green glow.

Ksh50 (Back)

There are 2 yellow stripes with the value 50 highlighted in green at the opposite ends overlapped by a green dove.

There are also shades of green and yellow above the dove’s image.

Ksh100 (Front)

The vertical serial numbers located at the left will glow yellow.

The arrow-shape alongside the dove will have an inward green glow and an outside red glow.

The value text 100 located at the top center will give off a green glow.

Ksh100 (Back)

There are 2 red stripes with the value 100 highlighted in green at the opposite ends overlapped by a green dove.

There are also shades of green and red above the dove’s image.

Ksh200 (Front)

The vertical serial numbers located at the left will glow yellow.

The dove located underneath the serial number will also glow.

The value 200 located at the bottom center will glow green.

Ksh200 (Back)

There are 2 yellow stripes with the value 200 highlighted in green at the opposite ends overlapped by a green dove.

There are also shades of green and yellow above the dove’s image.

Ksh500 (Front)

The vertical serial numbers located at the left will glow yellow.

The arrow-shape alongside the dove will have an inward green glow and an exterior yellow glow.

Their are 2 value text 500 located at the bottom center giving off a green glow.

Ksh500 (Back)

There are 2 green stripes with the value 500 highlighted in yellow at the opposite ends overlapped by a yellow dove.

There are shades of green and yellow next to the central lions image.

Ksh1000 (Front)

The vertical serial numbers located at the left will glow yellow.

The arrow-shape alongside the dove will have an inward red glow and an outside yellow glow.

The value text 1000 located at the top center and also bottom right will give off a green glow.

Ksh1000 (Back)

There are 2 green stripes with the value 1000 highlighted in red at the opposite ends overlapped by a red dove.

There are also shades of green and red above the dove’s image.

2. How to detect fake new currency notes using normal light

If you hold up the notes against the light, you’ll see a watermark of a perfect lion’s head, the text CBK, and the value of the banknote. You will also see a security thread which appears as a continuous line.

These are the noticeable differences observed through the sense of sight:

Note: The red eye symbol is the location of the watermark.

Ksh50 (Front)

Held up to the light, a watermark of a lion’s portrait is visible, the letters CBK as well as the value 50.

The security thread appears as a continuous line.

Ksh50 (Back)

Held up to the light, a lions portrait is visible, the letters CBK and also the value 50.

Ksh100 (Front)

Held up to the light, a lions portrait is visible, the letters CBK and also the value 100

The security thread appears as a continuous line.

Ksh100 (Back)

Held up to the light, a lions portrait is visible, the letters CBK and also the value 100

Ksh200 (Front)

Held up to the light, a lions portrait is visible, the letters CBK and also the value 100

The security thread appears as a continuous line.

Ksh200 (Back)

Held up to the light, a lions portrait is visible, the letters CBK and also the value 200.

Ksh500 (Front)

Held up to the light, a lions portrait is visible, the letters CBK and also the value 100.

The security thread appears as a continuous line.

Ksh500 (Back)

Held up to the light, a lions portrait is visible, the letters CBK and also the value 500.

Ksh1000 (Front)

Held up to the light, a lions portrait is visible, the letters CBK and also the value 100.

The security thread appears as a continuous line.

Ksh1000 (Back)

Held up to the light, a lions portrait is visible, the letters CBK and also the value 1000.

3. How to detect fake new currency notes using touch/feel

These are the noticeable differences felt through the sense of touch.

Note: The pointing hand symbol is the location of the feel.

The touch feature is only on the front side of the note.


Bars located on the left side of the note is ONE.

The printed text KENYA at the top is ELEVATED.

The printed value 50 located at the right is also ELEVATED.


Bars located at the left side of the note are TWO.

The printed text KENYA at the top is ELEVATED.

The printed value 100 located at the right is ELEVATED.


Bars located at the left side of the note are THREE.

The printed text KENYA at the top is ELEVATED.

The printed value 200 located at the tight is ELEVATED.


Bars located at the left side of the note are FOUR.

The printed text KENYA at the top is ELEVATED.

The printed value 500 located at the right is ELEVATED.


Bars located at the left side of the note are FIVE.

The printed text KENYA at the top is ELEVATED.

The printed value 1000 located at the right is ELEVATED.

4. How to detect fake new currency notes by tilting notes

These are the indicators NOTICEABLE observed when tilting the note.

Ksh50 (Front)

The security thread changes color from red to green.

Ksh50 (Back)

The golden band shows the value of the note ie 50.

Ksh100 (Front)

The security thread changes color from red to green.

Ksh100 (Back)

The golden band shows the value of the note ie 100.

Ksh200 (Front)

The security thread changes color from red to green and also has additional rainbow colors.

Ksh200 (Back)

The golden band shows the value of the note ie 200.

Ksh500 (Front)

The security thread changes color from red to green and also has additional rainbow colors.

Ksh500 (Back)

The golden band shows the value of the note ie 500.

Ksh1000 (Front)

The security thread changes color from red to green and also has additional rainbow colors.

Ksh1000 (Back)

The golden band shows the value of the note ie 1000.

Guidelines on how old Ksh1000 notes will be returned to the bank

During the 2019 Madaraka Day celebrations, President Uhuru Kenyatta began the process of demonetizing the old currency and replacing them with new generation notes.

The Central Bank of Kenya has in the meantime released the new notes into the Kenyan market.

It has also maintained its word on ensuring there will be no extension of banning the old Ksh1000 currency notes from the market by 1st October 2019.

The new development is meant to ensure that no Kenyan currency has the image of a person as per what is stated in the Kenyan constitution.

At the same time, the government hopes to weed out graft through execution of some monies held by corrupt individuals.

Here are the guidlines on how to return the old Ksh1000 notes to the bank:

1. Persons exchanging currency notes for amounts not exceeding Ksh1 million of the withdrawn currency notes will exchange at their Commercial banks, CBK Branches and Currency Centres, or any nearest commercial bank.

2. Bank customers exchanging currency notes for amounts Ksh1 million to Ksh5 million of the withdrawn currency notes will exchange at their respective commercial banks, under the normal procedures and requirements.

3. Persons without bank accounts exchanging currency notes for amounts exceeding Ksh1 million will require an endorsement from CBK.

4. Persons exchanging currency notes for amounts exceeding Ksh5 million (bulk exchange) will require an endorsement from CBK. These persons should get in touch using the contacts shown below.

Download MATLAB source codes

This MATLAB section of source code covers signal processing, image processing MATLAB source codes.It include FIR, IIR, scrambler, interleaver, FFT, convolution, correlation, interpolation, decimation, CRC, impairments, data type conversions and more.RS encoder, convolutional encoder, viterbi decoder, OFDM, OFDMA, MIMO is also covered. WiMAX, WLAN, LTE source codes are also provided.

Scrambler and Descrambler code

Refer Scrambler descrambler for design of scrambler and descrambler as per IEEE 802.16-2004 wimax standard specifications.

Interleaver and Deinterleaver

Refer Interleaver deinterleaver as per equation defined in wimax standard.

BPSK,QPSK,16QAM and 64QAM Data Mapping

Refer Data Modulation page for BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM modulation matlab source code.

16 Point Decimation in Frequency FFT MATLAB code

Refer 16point IFFT
code very useful for IFFT implementation from scratch very useful for understanding the concept.


Refer correlation
code very useful for understanding autocorrelation and cross correlation concepts.It also provides comparison with matlab built in functions.


Refer convolution
matlab source code and compares the same with matlab built in function.

Interpolation or Up sampling

Refer Interpolation which is used for upsampling digital samples to the desired sampling rate.

Decimation or Down sampling

Refer Decimation which is used for downsampling digital samples to the desired sampling rate.

Convolutional Encoder and Viterbi decoder

Refer Convolutional Encoder and viterbi decoder with the specifications defined.
Generator Polynomials: 25 (8), 33 (8), 37 (8)
no. of memory elements = 4

FIR filter

Refer FIR Filter which covers FIR digital filter matlab source code.It describes FIR filter as per rectangular,Bartlett,Blackman,Chebyshev,Hamming and Hanning window types.

IIR Filter

Refer IIR Filter BUTTERWORTH digital low pass filter.

Low Pass FIR Filter

Refer Low Pass FIR using firrcos function and matlab FDA tool.

CRC8 and CRC32 generation

Refer CRC Generation code as per CRC8 and CRC32 polynomials.

OFDM basic transmitter and receiver

Basic OFDM Transmitter and receiver MATLAB Code➤➤

Reed Solomon Encoder

Refer RS Encoder as per wimax specifications.

CTC Encoder matlab source code

Refer CTC Encoder matlab source code.


Refer MIMO code as per 2x1 and 2x2 STBC MIMO configurations.

WLAN OFDM physical layer

Refer WLAN OFDM PHY page which explains and provide link for OFDM physical layer as per WLAN 802.11a standard.

WiMAX OFDM Physical layer

Refer WiMAX OFDM PHY page which explains and provide link for wimax physical layer blocks and matlab source code.

LTE source codes

Refer LTE simulators page to refer LTE source codes written in MATLAB.


IRIS Edge detection

Refer IRIS Detection matlab code.

OFDMA basic transmitter and receiver

Refer OFDMA Tx Rx code as per OFDMA specifications.

Fake Indian Currency Detection Using Camera Matlab Code Online

AES and DES encryption and decryption


Carrier aggregation concept with OFDM example

Refer carrier aggregation matlab source code with basic block diagram.

CCDF matlab source code

Refer CCDF code useful for plotting CCDF curve in PAPR analysis.

Text based data compression(Huffman,RLE,Arithmetic coding,LZW)

Refer Data Compression code which mention basics of Huffman,RLE,Arithmetic coding,LZW techniques and provide link to download matlab code.

DWT based Image compression

Refer DWT image Compression code which mentionfour basic steps for image compression. It is haar based transform algorithm with threshold detection(soft and hard).It mentions RLE data compression for further reducing the image data.

Edge detection

Refer Edge Detection matlab source code.

PTS Algorithm for PAPR Reduction

Refer PTS Algorithm for PAPR reduction.

OFDM based Preamble generation

Refer preamble generation for OFDM systems such as WLAN,WiMAX and LDACS etc.

Time offset estimation and correction algorithm for OFDM using preamble

Refer Time offset estimationa and correction algorithmfor OFDM system.This preamble is used in LDACS system for aeronautical communication between AS (Aircraft Station) and GS (Ground Station).

Frequency offset estimation and correction for OFDM

Refer Frequency offset estimation and correction algorithm for OFDM system.

CDMA MATLAB code for single user

Refer CDMA MATLAB Code for single user.

OFCDM MATLAB code consisting of OFDM and CDMA chain for single user

Fake Indian Currency Detection Using Camera Matlab Code Download

Refer OFCDM MATLAB Code housing OFDM and CDMA.The code is simulated for a single user.

SC-FDMA basic transmitter receiver

Refer SC-FDMA matlab simulation code.

PN sequence generation

Refer PN sequence generation basics and matlab code.

Useful Links to MATLAB codes

Refer following as well as links mentioned on left side panel for useful MATLAB codes.
PTS for PAPR reductionOFDM Preamble generationTime off estimation corrFreq off estimation corrchannel estimation11a WLAN channel11g WLAN channelIIR Filter
Low Pass FIR
Viterbi decoder
AM FM PM modulation

Channel Model MATLAB codes

11a WLAN channel
11g WLAN channel
15.3 UWB channel
15.4a UWB channel
16d SUI Channel
16e wimax channel
Rician channel
Rayleigh channel

RF and Wireless tutorials

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